No I am not pretending to be Julius Caesar, nor does Korea resemble the Roman empire in any way, but I feel nonetheless like I've gotten from this country exactly what I came for. No, I've not conquered Korea; I've conquered myself in Korea. This country was, is to some extent, for me an exciting country with lots of new foods to try, places to see and experiences to be had. Would I come here again if I had the chance? I don't know. This grant year came after 17 years as a student. It's been my chance to breath before I jump back into academics and start my real life. Maybe that's why I'm increasingly ambivalent about things these days-because none of it seems real, or at least pertinent, anymore. It's as if the real world is waiting for me back in America. And I don't think I'm alone on this point either, even if other ETAs haven't realized it yet. Regardless, I'll be taking much of this country back home with me. Note: If you see a good deal on a rice cooker, let me know.

Spring has finally come to Mokpo. The windows of the apartment are wide open. The wind if fresh, and it doesn't bite anymore. Best of all, the trees are starting to bloom. Never underestimate the power of nature to improve your mood, even your life. Granted, my host mom keeps warning of impending red doom from China. Not missiles or soldiers, as far as I know. Rather something between dust clouds and pollution; probably a mix of the two. Apparently this happens every spring, and everyone either heads indoors or dons those ubiquitous and ridiculous bird flu masks. I don't know quite what to think of it just yet because, well, I haven't seen any red dust-but I'll let you know as soon as I start coughing up crimson colored clouds. Can you imagine, though, if every spring sand storms built up over the Mexican desert and bombarded San Diego and Los Angeles. It doesn't seem like there's much you could do about it, but I feel like Americans would have words with Mexico nonetheless...that's just our style.

Highlights from JoonAng High School: I asked my 3rd year (Seniors) class what they would do if they had a million dollars; aside from cars, restaurants, and buying their own PC Bangs, one girl confidently told me she would have plastic surgery to buy a new face. Ouch. I'm pretty sure my host brother, the middle one, is gay (nothing to do with JoongAng). He doesn't know it yet, or maybe he does, but this is my professional opinion. If only the vast majority or Koreans didn't "hate" gay people...I guess they'll get over it eventually. One of my students wrote me a love letter, of sorts. She's bugged me a couple times to write her back, but I don't write notes, I'm not a fan of love letters, and the whole idea seems wildly inappropriate. Welcome to the broken heart club.
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